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Image by hussain abdullah


How can I cancel my booking?

Please check the remarks and cancellation policy of your booking as some bookings are non-refundable, changeable or transferable. Please note that we currently do not support online cancellations, we only accept cancellation requests through phone or via customer service email at to assist you accordingly.



Will I be charged if I cancel my booking?

The details and conditions of the cancellation policy are different for each booking depending on the property, period of stay, room type, fair rules, etc. Cancellation fees policies can be found in the summary page before proceeding with the payment process.



Can I cancel or change my dates for a non-refundable booking?

Changing your dates for non-refundable bookings is not possible. If you decide to cancel a non-refundable booking you may incur charges. Any cancellation fees are set by the service provider itself.



What is a non-refundable and free cancellation policy?

Every service has a different policy set to it as below:

  1. A non-refundable policy means that no refund will apply if you decide to cancel or make changes on your confirmed booking. 

  2. Free cancellation means you can change or cancel your booking with no extra charge if done within the time period set by the service provider, but if you cancel later you may incur charges.



How many times can I change my travel date(s)?

You can change your travel date(s) as many times as possible, but be aware that you will be responsible for paying any charges resulting from the amendments and price difference.



How will I know if my booking was cancelled?

As soon as your booking is cancelled in our system, we will send you an email confirming the cancellation of your booking. If you have not received the cancellation email, kindly check your spam/junk mail to make sure the email was not mistakenly filtered in your spam/junk inbox. If you still did not receive the email, please contact us.



What happens if I miss my flight?

If you miss your flight it will be considered as a no-show, which means a passenger did not show up for the outbound flight, which results in all the connecting flights associated with this one, even a return flight to be cancelled automatically. No refund will be applied and in some airline’s policy, changes are not permitted.



If my flight is cancelled what will happen to the money I paid for excess luggage?

For any luggage related issues please contact the airlines directly.



When will I get my refund? will process your refund within a maximum of 72 hours from the time we receive the request; as soon as the refund is processed, your issuer bank may additionally take up to 14 working days to post the refunded amount to your account. In case of ticket bookings, the airline's refund process will take up to 15 working days to process the refund issue before proceeding to the issuing bank.

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